In the period from April 13 to 19, carrots, white cabbage, potatoes and eggs rose in Russia. This is evidenced by Rosstat data.
According to the statistical agency, a week, the rise in prices for carrots amounted to 1.7 percent, on a white cabbage – 1.6 percent, to potatoes and eggs – 1.5 percent. At the same time, tomatoes fell by 1.4 percent. On average, the price of chicken meat in the country has not changed, but in 36 regions it rose by 0.1-1.9 percent, in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation – by 2.0-10.3 percent. Sugar on average rose 0.5 percent, sunflower oil is 0.3 percent. The rest of the goods have not changed significantly in price.
Earlier, the deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture Oksana Lut said that the meat and eggs rose in Russia. Over the past 60 days, prices for these products have risen more than ten percent. The deputy minister warned that such a speaker gives the government the right to establish utmost retail prices for this product.
On March 30, the Government extended agreements to contain prices for products. For sugar, they act until June 1, for oil – until October 1 of this year. This happened against the background of the cost of goods.
In March, it became known that the authorities prepared to control prices still on eggs and poultry meat. In mid-February, Izvestia wrote that the poultry farms offered retailing networks to raise the cost of these products by 10 percent.