In Amur region fire hazardous period: Space Center “Eastern” in ready mode

In the Amur region, a fire hazardous season has arrived – a special fire-fighting regime has been introduced by the decision of the region’s management. As part of the preparation for a fire-hazard period in the Space Center “Eastern” (a branch of the center of exploitation of land-based space infrastructure, it is part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”) relevant administrative documents were published, with employees carried out unscheduled briefings for the period of action of a special regime.

In the Cenni branch – the Space Center “Eastern” for an operational response in the event of a fire and other emergencies organized interaction with FCU “Special Administration of FPS No. 60 Emergencies Ministry of Emergency Situations”, the management of the Russian Federation and PB. The duty officer is information on the composition of emergency brigades, a list of auxiliary technology. For a period of action of a special fire fighting period, in order to ensure water imports for the needs of fire extinguishing, as well as for emergency and rescue and other urgent works within the framework of other emergencies, six units of special equipment are in constant technical readiness.

Cleaning the territories of objects from combustible waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves and dry vegetation. At the moment, inspections are carried out on the performance of the internal and external fireproof water supply.

/Media reports.