Niece of Skriplia rose accusation of Petrov and Boshirov in explosions in Czech Republic

The niece of the former employee of GRU Sergei Skriplya Victoria rose accusation by the Czech Republic of Russians Alexander Petrova and Ruslan Bashrov, famous for the spyware scandal around the business of the scripments, in involvement in the explosions in the warehouse of ammunition in Vrbetice. With his opinion, the woman shared in a conversation with the radio station “says Moscow.”

The Skripal reminded that Petrov and Bashlirov themselves told Margarita Simonyan in an interview with RT television channel about his trip to the Czech Republic, and in Prague they remembered when it turned out to be suitable. “You might think that there are more people on the expanses of the Russian Federation. There are no more people. Two people work in GRU – Petrov and Bashchirov – and work precisely on Czechoslovakia, England and everywhere. That is, they drive everywhere, look at the spiers. Where there are spiers – There is a Petrov and Boshirov, specialists in spiers, churches and gothic, “the screech joked.

On April 18, Moscow declared people of non-Grata 20 employees of the Embassy of the Czech Republic. These were the response measures expulsion from the Czech Republic 18 Russian diplomats during the day earlier. They are suspected of working on Russian intelligence services, which Prague considers it involved in the explosions in Vrbetice in 2014. In addition, the Czech Republic announced the search for Russians by Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Bashrov, famous for the spyware scandal around the case of the scriptive. It is argued that they were at the site of the explosion in stock in Vrbetice in October 2014.

explosions occurred on October 16 and December 3, 2014, two people died as a result of the first. Exploded, presumably ten thousand kilograms of ammunition, including medium-range missiles. The reason for the occurrence remained unknown, according to one of the versions, the explosion happened due to the negligence of workers.

/Media reports.