Nuclear submarines (APD) of the 885m project (cipher “Clenem-M”) are capable of shooting “Calibr” and “Onyx” missiles. The unknown possibility of Russian submarine revealed the TASS, referring to the source in the defense and industrial complex.
According to the interlocutor, the first similar launch occurred in November 2020 with the APL K-561 “Kazan”. The source noted that the submarine “during public testing performed a volley with two rockets from the vertical launcher and the torpedo apparatus”, “confirmed the possibility of such a starting launch.” Then the “caliber”, launched from the vertical launcher, was applied along the coastal target, and “onyx”, which started from the torpedo apparatus, – by surface.
In December of the same year, the American magazine Popular Mechanics said that the volley launch of the four ballistic missiles R-30 “Bulava-30”, produced in the same month underwater rocket cruiser of strategic destination K-551 “Vladimir Monomakh” Project 955 ” Borea “Naval Fleet (Navy) of Russia, looks like a” preview of the end of civilization. “