Eight employees of the British human rights organization Amnesty International told about their own experience of racial discrimination at work. It is reported by The Guardian with reference to the report of the Secretariat of the Organization.
According to the report, the organization has a culture of privileged attitude to white. Cases of explicit racism were identified, including when older employees used the word “Negro”. Systemic bias, including permanent and unreasonable interrogations of black employees and removal from projects from among ethnic minorities.
“We joined Amnesty in the hope of conducting a campaign against human rights violations, but instead were disappointed, realizing that the organization actually helped them perpetuate,” said the former employee of Catherine Obokuya organization.
Representatives of both branches of the British human rights organization apologized and promised to make changes.
In February 2018, Amnesty International was accused of “toxicity” of the work environment, including those mentioned by employees, public humiliation and abuse of power.