Mysterious behavior of giant black holes was found

Scientists of the Pretoria University in South Africa conducted detailed observations of the active cores of galaxies where gigantic black holes are located, and found that there is an inexplicable difference between them. Some galaxies are silent in the radio view, although their black holes are actively devouring matter. In addition, specialists also discovered other differences. The findings of the researchers were published in the repository of the preprints of ARXIV, briefly talks about them in the article on Science Alert.

Astronomers analyzed the results of observations of the area of ​​space, known as Goods-North and located and the constellation is a big bear. The data was obtained thanks to the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey) with the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Telescope, Candra X-ray Observatory, as well as other tools. Scientists managed to identify active galactic kernels containing supermassive black holes.

Scientists noticed the difference between accretions (material absorption processes) from different supermassive black holes: some attracted substance to themselves much faster than others, and some did not absorb the matter at all. At the same time, the accretion rate does not play a special role to form relativistic jets – jets of ionized plasma escaping from the black hole poles at a rate of considerable percentage of light speed. Some black holes do not emit radio emission, which indicates the existence of a not yet known mechanism playing a role in the formation of jets.

Astronomers also rated the relationship between active black holes and star formation in galaxies. It is believed that the active kernel suppresses the process of the emergence of new stars, since “blows out” the interstellar substance from the Galaxy. In some cases, the opposite may occur: the shock waves can contribute to the collapse of matter in the stars. Scientists have shown that star formation is really observed in some galaxies.

The results of the observations will help to better understand the evolution of galaxies, as well as the processes of absorption and behavior of supermarital black holes, whose origin still remains a mystery.

/Media reports.