Unemployment benefits began to pay in a new way

The rules for paying the maximum benefit for unemployment in the amount of 12 thousand 130 rubles have changed, now it will be paid for three months from the first payment. This is reported by the “Parliamentary Newspaper”.

after three months the size of the benefit will be reduced to five thousand rubles. Government Decree comes into force on April 8.

Also in the decision specifies the rules of payments to pregnant Russians. So, in the first if the first quarter of the redeelation of unemployment benefits in the maximum amount intersects with the time of payment for temporary disability due to pregnancy, then compensation for unemployment is postponed to a later date.

Earlier it was reported that in Russia the simplified procedure for registering the unemployed was extended. It is noted that decisions will be taken by the leaders of the regions based on the epidemiological situation and the specifics of regional labor markets. Temporary simplified procedure for registration of the unemployed was to stop working from March 31. With its help, the Russians were treated in employment services through the portals of the State Service and “Work in Russia”. However, in March, Mintrost published a draft resolution to extend these rules until July 30.

/Media reports.