Holding experts “Russian Space Systems” (RCS, is included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”, in 1961 – NII-885) from scratch developed an effective and reliable system of control system first in the world of intercontinental ballistic missile R-7, which is 60 years ago Brought into space a ship with Yuri Gagarin on board. Earlier, in 1957, this rocket became a carrier to exclude the first artificial satellite of the Earth into the orbit, and then served as the basis for a whole family of medium-class carrier missiles, including for the “unions”, and today the delivering astronauts and astronauts to the international space station .
In the early 1950s, technology did not allow inertial autonomous systems to ensure an acceptable accuracy without a radio code, since the deviation of the combat part of the R-7 missile without applying radio control could reach tens of kilometers. Therefore, a combined autonomous and radio system was created. To do this, the NII-885 worked two basic divisions, one of which was headed by the chief designer of the management radio systems, director of the Institute Mikhail Ryazansky, and another main designer of the Offline Management Systems, Chief Engineer NII-885 Nikolai Pilyugin. Both were also part of the famous Council of the main designers on rocket technology, which was headed by Sergey Korolev.
Created in 1957, the control system for the R-7 missile was a pulse system of trajectory measurements. To control the rocket, two ground items were used, located at a distance of 500 km from each other symmetrically relative to the route of the rocket flight. They provided radioismes of the flight path and its adjustment. To measure the range and pitch (the angular movement of the aircraft relative to the main transverse axis of the inertia) was made of a separate delayer.