Scientists raised a mini-brain with a three-dimensional printing from human tissue. Such an organoid does not have the functionality of a full-fledged body, however, is a convenient platform for monitoring the growth and development of nerve tissues. It is reported by Edition The Independent.
During the experiment, scientists applied new microfluid-based technology when nutrients are fed through tiny tubes. Three-dimensional printing allows you to reduce the production of biochips with channels and wells, in which live tissues are grown. Commercially available Cups for cultivation have a number of disadvantages, for example, they are not compatible with some microscopes, and the nutrients needed for cell growth do not penetrate the injections of organoids.
Results The study has shown that in new biochips printed on a 3D printer, brain fabrics are much more likely to survive during the week than in ordinary. Inside the chamber provides permanent perfusion that mimics the physiological environment in lively tissue and reduces the risk of cell death inside the small imitation of the brain.
This development also allows you to create a fully isolated environment to recreate the interaction between human organoids and pathogens, including coronavirus.