Soft form of COVID-19 was dangerous for children

Most children who have hazardous inflammatory diseases associated with COVID-19 moved a coronavirus infection in a soft or hidden form. This is reported in the article published in Jama Pediatrics magazine.

Experts analyzed 1800 cases of multisystems inflammatory syndrome in children diagnosed from March 2020 until mid-January 2021. Most children were under 15 years old, but the study also included patients under the age of 20.

It turned out that, although most children who were overcome COVID-19, an unusual post-infectious state does not develop, the inflammatory syndrome is more often observed in those who have suffered a coronavirus infection with soft symptoms or without them. At the same time, post-infectious inflammation was softer with those who have COVID-19 was heavier. According to scientists, the results indicate that the syndrome is a slow reaction of the immune system.

For the first time, the multisylene inflammatory syndrome has become known at the end of winter and the spring of last year. Some cases, especially those that arise after a hidden COVID-19 infection, may be mistaken for Kawasaki’s disease, characterized by redness of the skin, edema and heart problems.

/Media reports.