The Accounts Chamber wants to check all the development institutes in Russia in the next two or three years, said the head of the department Alexey Kudrin, writes TASS.
He noted that the calibration has already given results. “Piece of our materials, for example,” House.rf “, has already been used by the government for reorganization, clarifying tasks. Including this has affected the decline in wages in a number of development institutions on our proposals,” Kudrin said.
The Accounts Chamber this year plans to hold 440 test events. The head of department also noted that payments to families with children led to the prevention of poverty growth by two percent last year.
In November, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin announced the reform of the development institutes system. Strategically important organizations and state corporations will be preserved, among which Rosatom, Roskosmos, Rostech and Rosavtodor. Eight development institutions eliminate, and their functions are distributed between WEB.RF and federal executive bodies.
The goal of development institutions is to stimulate innovative processes and infrastructure development using public-private partnership mechanisms.