Second region contributed to State Duma project on indexing pensions to working retirees

Adygea introduced a bill to the State Duma on the return to indexing pensions for working pensioners in 2022. The document is published in the electronic database of the Lower House of Parliament.

In the explanatory note, the project states that the cancellation of indexation in January 2016 has negatively affected the financial situation of pensioners and led “to a significant reduction in the purchasing power of citizens.” In addition, the number of working retirees decreased in the republic. “It is important to note that only a part of pensioners really ceased to labor relations, the larger part went to receive a” gray salary “,” is approved in the note.

The authors of the initiative added that many pensioners work illegally – without paperwork, or on foreign documents, or half of the rates – so that insurance premiums are not paid regarding them and the personified accounting data has not been submitted. This in turn leads to a decrease in the receipt of insurance premiums, is explained in the note.

“It should also be noted a negative attitude towards the existing position of things both by the working and from non-working pensioners, which causes an increase in social tensions and undermines confidence in the pension system as a whole,” the authors of the bill.

Adygea became the second Russian entity that made a bill to the State Duma on returning to indexing pensions for working retirees. On April 6, this was done Sevastopol. According to local authorities, the implementation of the draft law will cost a pension fund of 400 billion rubles.

Pensions working retirees ceased to raise back in 2016. The reason for this was called the economy of the budget of the Pension Fund. In December 2020, President Vladimir Putin stated that it was necessary to find money for the indexation. The head of state noted that the authorities think how to solve the issue.

/Media reports.