The Air Force (Air Force) of the United States accurately reproduce the large-scale air war of the great powers, imitating the threats and the problems with which they may face in battle. About this in the article for The National Interest, Kris Osborn, who believes that the country is preparing for the Third World War.
During the annual military game, the US Air Force, the US Air Force collide with an experienced and well-armed opponent, the so-called red team, which has advanced means of anti-air defense (air defense) and high-tech fifth generation aircraft.
The author also refers to the US Air Force Report, which states that the purpose of Red Flag is the preparation of the armed forces to the “multi-dominary” war. “The tactics of air combat remains the main focus in the Scenarios of the RED FLAG teachings, however, threats may also appear in space and cyberspace. Thus, the armed forces must be prepared to respond and overcome any enemy obstacles to the implementation of a successful mission,” the document says .
Osborne also notes that when threats in space or cyberspace occurred in space or cyberspace, the destruction of the enemy air defense becomes more difficult.
RED Flag Teachings is an annual mass military game. As part of these teachings, the F-35 and F-22 Air Force Airplanes are preparing to attack enemy aircraft, conduct air battle, to strike for air defense and other.