is presented Edition open platform Webos Open Source Edition 2.10 , which can be applied on various portable devices, boards and automotive information and entertainment systems. Raspberry PI fees are considered as a reference hardware platform 4. The platform develops in a public repository under a license Apache 2.0, and the development oversees the community, adhering to joint development management model .
WebOS platform in 2013 was purchased by LG from Hewlett-Packard and applied For more than 70 million TV and consumer LG devices. The WebOS Open Source Edition project was founded in 2018, after LG tried to return to the open development model to attract other participants and expand the range of devices on which Webos can be applied.
Systemic environment of the WebOS is formed using the toolkit and basic packages Openembedded , as well as a assembly system and a set of metadata from the project YoCTO . WebOS key components are system manager and applications (SAM, System and Application Manager), which is responsible for executing applications and services, and LUNA Surface Manager (LSM) forming user interface. Components are written using Qt framework and chromium browser engine.
Drawing is carried out through a composite manager using the Wayland protocol. To develop custom applications, it is proposed to use WEB-technologies (CSS, HTML5 and JavaScript) and framework Enact based on React, but it is possible to create programs on with and C ++ with the QT database interface. Custom shell and embedded graphic applications are mainly implemented as native programs written using QML technology. The default HOME Launcher shell is offered, optimized to control with touch screens and offering the concept of changing each other cards (instead of windows).
To store data in structured form using JSON format, the db8 , which uses the LEVELDB database as a backend.
For initialization, bootd based on SystemD is used. UMEDIASERVER AND MEDIA DISPLAY CONTROLLER (MDC) subsystems are available for processing multimedia content, PulseAudio is used as the audio server. For automatic update firmware Applies Ostree and atomic sections replacement (two system partitions are created, one Of which is active, and the second is used to copy the update).
Basic Changes