Scientists of the Tokyo metropolitan university showed that the muscles are best regenerated with a low blood sugar content. This refutes the point of view, according to which a large amount of glucose helps the vital activity of mammalian cells. In this case, the benefits of skeletal muscle satellite cells are obtained – a special type of stem cells involved in the restoration of tissues. The new harm of sugar is reported in a press release on MedicalXpress, an article with research results was published in the Frontiers magazine in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Satellite cells of skeletal muscles cover the cells of muscle fibers. When fibers are damaged, satellite cells are activated, multiply and, finally, merge with muscle cells, restoring them. Scientists have found that, although glucose is necessary for the development of cells, the high level of carbohydrates had a negative impact on the growth of satellite cells.
In experiments with high glucose glucose glucose, satellite cells have always been mixed with other types of cells that grew and multiplied in response to a high level of sugar. Researchers reduced the concentration of carbohydrates and obtained a clean line of satellite cells, suppressing the development of other types of cells. According to researchers, this indicates that the satellites receive energy from another source for themselves, but future research will help determine it.
The results of scientific work explain why patients with diabetes and high levels of sugar in blood there is a loss of muscle mass. In the future, they will also help develop muscle health support methods.