In Moldova Parliament, first 100 days of presidency of Sanda said first 100 days

Moldova Parliament deputy from Social Patterns Vasily Polya called the disaster for the first 100 days of Maya Sanda presidency, RIA Novosti reports.

“The first 100 days of Maya Sandand’s presidency became a disaster and disappointment. It is important to prevent it to further show irresponsibility and damaged the country and people,” said pain.

According to him, Sanda did not do anything that she promised citizens, because “I am not able to do something.”

“But one thing does not do anything, and quite another – to act against your own people, against the constitution, I enjoy the country in chaos,” said the deputy.

pain argues that Sanda provoked an institutional crisis, refusing a dialogue with parliament.

Earlier, Sanda appealed to the Constitutional Court for the dissolution of the parliament, after he was unable to approve her candidate for the post of Prime Minister – Igor Grosu. The President stated that the current parliament includes corrupt deputies, which “deplete the country”.

/Media reports.