MINPROMTORG disclosed Russia’s strategy in response to US sanctions

The new anti-Russian sanctions of the United States will only speed up and intensify the processes of import substitution in domestic technological chains. RBC, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Oleg Bocharov, spoke about the strategy of Russia.

According to him, “the money they paid for imports will remain inside the country and will go to the salaries of employees and the development of new technologies and production.”

He also reminded that the sanction pressure on Russia “was not March 2”. The official noted that such a policy was held at the time of the USSR, but it “did not interfere with the country to develop.”

previously became known that new American sanctions in the field of exports associated with National Security, which recently entered into force, will affect less than one percent of the US annual supply to Russia in monetary terms. Then Bocharov explained that many of the largest companies of the Russian radio electronic industry are already in American sanctions lists, therefore import substitution for critical areas of technology – the process is permanent.

On March 17, the United States announced new trade sanctions against Russia. They began to continue the restrictive measures introduced in early March. Within three months, restrictions can still be expanded and the Russian State Dolg risks at risk. Already in June, Washington can introduce a ban on lending to the state structures of the country-violator by American banks, that is, to completely prohibit work with the Russian public debt.

in the Kremlin, speaking of risks due to sanctions, noted that Russia will have to apply the necessary measures to minimize the consequences from them.

/Media reports.