Scientists from the University of North Carolina proved that the staff, periodically distracted from work, are more involved in their activities and less tired. It is reported by Daily Mail.
Experts analysts analyzed two groups of office workers – 98 people from the USA and 222 – from South Korea. Study participants told specialists about sleep quality and the general level of fatigue.
also scientists were going to figure out how bad night sleep affects the frequency of breaks during the working day. It turned out that the employees’ tired already in the morning were more distracted from work than their colleagues. However, short episodes of recreation reduced total fatigue and increased interest in work.
Earlier by the doctor of the highest category, the neurologist of the GKB №17 of Moscow Inness Kulchu called the Russians several ways to combat chronic fatigue. According to her, there are medication methods of treatment, but it is possible to take drugs only by appointing a doctor. Among other methods, the doctor called the general investment activities: care from stressful situations if possible, avoiding overwork. In addition, it is worth trying to change the working schedule, leaving enough time to relax.