The Federal Adviser on the Internal Affairs of Switzerland, responsible for health care, Alain Berse told about a more fatal strain of coronavirus, rather than “original”. It quotes RIA Novosti.
According to BERS, studies have shown that this is the new strains of COVID-19, including British. “We have thought for a long time and stated that new options are more contagious, but do not lead to the increase in mortality. And now we have a large number of published high-quality research that otherwise show,” he stressed.
BERS noted that, according to preliminary data, the mortality rate in infected with new strains exceeds 50 percent.
In February, American scientists found that mutations in the British, South African and Brazilian strains of coronavirus increase its infectiousness up to eight times. According to the latest WHO data, the British strain was found already in 101 country, South African – in 51 countries, and the Brazilian strain – at 29.