American preacher criticized words of Bayden about Putin

Relations of Russia and the United States have been harmful due to the words of the American president Joe Bayden about Russian leader Vladimir Putin. With criticism, a popular American preacher Franklin Graham was performed on his page in Facebook .

He noted that the President of the US President offended the Russian people. “President Biden must realize that in the eyes of God’s abortion is also a murder. And the murder of innocent. President Biden supports abortions, their administration supports them, and their government and taxpayers finance them. Over the past year, more than 185,000 children in the United States were killed by abortion. , – wrote Graham.

The preacher hoping that the eyes and the heart of Byyden would be open and he would change the US course.

On March 17, Biden in an interview with ABC NEWS TV channel stated that he wants to urge the Russian state to answer the alleged interference in the US elections. He spoke about a conversation with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and added that he would “pay”, if it is guilty. In the same conversation, Biden made an impartial statement to the Russian president.

Putin responded to his American health colleague. “I would tell him: Be healthy! I wish him health! I say it without irony, without jokes,” he stressed. He also announced his readiness to negotiate with the American leader to his trip to Taiga, which is scheduled for the weekend, or after it.

/Media reports.