New Void Linux install builds available

New bootable builds of the distribution have been formed Void Linux , which is an independent project that does not use the developments of other distributions and is developed using a continuous update cycle of software versions (rolling updates, without separate distribution releases). Past builds were published in 2019.

For x86_64, i686, armv6l, armv7l and aarch64 platforms prepared Live images with desktops Enlightenment, Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce, LXDE and LXQt, and a console build. ARM builds support BeagleBone / BeagleBone Black, Cubieboard 2, Odroid U2 / U3, RaspberryPi (ARMv6), RaspberryPi 2, RaspberryPi 3. Builds are available in versions based on Glibc system libraries and Musl . Systems developed in Void are distributed under a BSD license.

The distribution kit uses the system manager runit to initialize and manage services.
For package management, its own package manager xbps and a package building system xbps-src . Xbps allows you to install, uninstall, and update applications, detect shared library incompatibilities, and manage dependencies. It is possible to use Musl instead of Glibc as a standard library. LibreSSL is used instead of OpenSSL, but is considering returning to OpenSSL.

/Media reports.