Japanese scientists have found a cure for aging

Japanese scientists have found a medicine that can stop aging and rejuvenate the body. Its use may begin in five to ten years, said Makoto Nakanishi, professor at the Institute of Medicine at Tokyo University, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Age-related aging is associated with the accumulation of cells in organs that trigger inflammatory processes. One of these cells is senescent or senescent cells. It is they who eventually lose the ability to divide, accumulate in the organs and lead to aging. “If you remove these cells, it will be possible to stop the inflammatory processes they provoke, and, consequently, to achieve a significant improvement in the symptoms of aging,” the scientist explained.

It turned out that the aging cell for life needs the GLS1 enzyme, which converts glutamine into glutamic acid. Thus, if you use an inhibitor of this enzyme, it will be possible to destroy cells that provoke aging.

In order to test this hypothesis, scientists injected an old mouse with a drug that is already being used against certain types of cancer, which is also being developed by the work of GLS1. As a result, the kidneys, liver and lungs began to function better in the mouse, the body as a whole became stronger.

/Media reports.