American rover landed on Red Planet

American rover Perseverance has successfully landed on Mars. This was reported to the Twitter -account of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

“We have just received information that Perseverance is operating on the surface of Mars,” the broadcast dispatcher said. They clarified that they have already received two images from the surface of the Red Planet.

The landing of the rover lasted about seven minutes. All operations during it were carried out automatically. NASA experts expect to use Perseverance to find traces of existence in the distant past of life on Mars.

In October last year, the head of NASA Jim Bridenstein assessed the chances of finding traces of life on the planet Mars. According to him, traces of the existence of life on Mars have not yet been found, but the likelihood of this continues to grow. The head of NASA also expressed confidence that research using instruments installed on the Perseverance spacecraft will allow collecting more information about Mars, in particular, collecting soil samples, as well as preparing for a manned expedition.

/Media reports.