Alfa-Capital Management Company revealed investment preferences of men

Alfa-Capital MC conducted a study specifically for February 23, in which it found out what instruments the stronger sex prefers to invest in today, what assets and currencies it chooses, and most importantly, how men’s preferences have changed in 2020, which is so rich in dramatic events .

As the study showed, older investors belonging to the “baby boomer” generation (those who are now over 60) remain true to their preferences and traditionally invest most of their funds in bonds. Moreover, over the past year, this category of investors has become even more conservative. The share of those with bond strategies in their portfolio rose from 62 percent to 71.5 percent.

At the same time, representatives of generation X (those who are 40-50 years old), as before, choose more risky strategies. More than 64.5 percent hold equity strategies and funds in their portfolios, and less than half (48.7 percent) invest in bond assets.

The most aggressive investors are “millennials” or generation Y, born in the 80s and 90s of the last century. Among this category, the share of those who invest in stocks exceeds 72.5 percent. Their preferences were not influenced by either the coronavirus epidemic or the economic downturn, on the contrary, over the year the share of “millennials” investing in stock strategies has grown noticeably (a year ago it was 67.9 percent).

The youngest investors – from the “digital” generation, or generation Z, are more reserved. The share of those who prefer stocks is lower than that of Gen Y men, but also increased from 57.7 percent to 68.8 percent over the year.

In addition, the study showed that among men who prefer investing in strategies and equity funds, industry priorities have changed significantly over the year. Thus, investors of almost all age groups over the year reduced the share of their investments in funds and strategies where the banking sector and oil and gas companies are present (with the exception of baby boomers, whose share of investments in the fuel and energy complex increased over the year from 21.6 percent to almost 30 percent), and, on the contrary, noticeably increased positions in the products of IT companies, construction and metallurgy.

In particular, the share of investments in the technology sector among representatives of generation X and Y has grown over the year from 12 to 30 percent and from 12.4 to 38.4 percent, respectively. Gen Z men invest in IT companies most often: the share of such investments in their portfolios is almost 40 percent.

At the same time, representatives of the older generations – BB and X – are interested not only in the stock market, but also in alternative investments. The shares of senior and middle age male investors in real estate funds are the highest. Thus, among 40-50-year-olds, the highest percentage of those who have invested in the Alfa-Capital Rent Stream fund.

/Media reports.