Devuan 3.1 distribution release, Debian fork without systemd

Introduced Release of Devuan 3.1 “Beowulf”, a fork of Debian GNU / Linux shipped without a system systemd manager. Devuan 3.1 is an interim release continuing the development of the Devuan 3.x branch built on the Debian 10 “Buster” package base. To download prepared Live -builds and installation iso images for AMD64 and i386 architectures. Builds for ARM (armel, armhf and arm64) and images for virtual machines for release 3.1 are not generated (you should use Devuan 3.0 builds, then update the system through the package manager).

The project has forked about 400 Debian packages, which are modified to get rid of systemd bindings, rebrand or adapt to the features of the Devuan infrastructure. Two packages (devuan-baseconf, jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv-devuan)
are present only in Devuan and are related to setting up repositories and running the build system. Otherwise, Devuan is fully Debian-compatible and can be used as a basis for custom builds of Debian without systemd. Devuan-specific packages can be downloaded from the repository.

The default desktop is based on Xfce and the Slim display manager. KDE, MATE, Cinnamon and LXQt are optionally available for installation. Instead of systemd, the classic initialization system SysVinit is supplied, as well as the optional openrc and runit . It is possible to work without D-Bus, which allows you to create minimalistic configurations of the desktop table based on window managers blackbox, fluxbox, fvwm, fvwm-crystal and openbox. To configure the network, the NetworkManager configurator option is offered, which is not tied to systemd. Instead of systemd-udev, eudev is used, a fork of udev from the Gentoo project. For managing user sessions in KDE, Cinnamon, and LXQt, elogind is offered, a logind variant not tied to systemd. Xfce and MATE use consolekit.

Devuan 3.1-specific changes :

  • The installer offers a choice of three init systems: sysvinit , openrc and runit . In expert mode, you can select an alternative bootloader (lilo), as well as disable the installation of non-free firmware.
/Media reports.