NIIMash participates in creation of a new space complex

The management of the Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (NIIMash, part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) and South Ural State University discussed the expansion of cooperation on the creation of a new space complex aimed at protecting the Earth from falling space bodies. Scientists from the State Rocket Center named after V.I. Academician V.P. Makeev together with engineers from SUSU and NIIMash.

At present, SUSU is considering the possibility of creating a reusable single-stage space launch vehicle, the project of which was proposed by the State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeeva (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation). The launch vehicle will deliver up to seven tons of payload to low-earth orbit. The rocket will be serviced between flights only 24 hours.

Such a breakthrough can only be provided by fundamentally new technical solutions. One of them is aimed at providing a significant increase in the efficiency of the propulsion system. NIIMash specialists will be working on this solution, currently a project is being developed to prepare and conduct a corresponding experiment.

The project of the space complex is being implemented by the Ural interregional scientific and educational center of the world level “Advanced industrial technologies and materials”. It was created to combine the potentials of educational and scientific organizations in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions. Scientists and engineers plan to test the first prototype of the launch vehicle in 2028.

/Media reports.