Tor contributors developed Anon-Ticket, an add-on for the GitLab collaborative development platform that allows you to anonymously report issues and participate in their discussion, without the need to register an account. The code is written in Python using the Django framework. The service has been launched in test mode to send messages about problems in Tor repositories, but the add-on is not tied to Tor and can be used in other projects.
Often, users who want to inform the developers about the problem give up their intentions, faced with the need to fill out additional registration forms, transfer personal data or wait for confirmation. Anon-Ticket will allow you to do without registration, which is unnecessary when sending single notifications, get rid of waiting for confirmation of an account by a moderator and keep your personal data and email confidential.
Anon-Ticket allows you to not only send, but also track the status of completed tickets and publish clarifications, for which the user is given an automatically generated temporary identifier and a link to a page that can be bookmarked to control your ticket. The interface also provides access to the functions of viewing existing projects and searching for tickets related to the selected project.
A post moderation mechanism is used to prevent spam and abuse.
Moderators are provided with flexible tools to confirm or reject pending publications in batch mode, as well as the ability to make edits and leave comments visible only to other moderators. Plans for the future mention the creation of an onion service, adding additional protection mechanisms, such as limiting the intensity of sending messages, and implementing the possibility of transforming an anonymous participant into a regular one (for example, when a user decided to fully connect to the development, registered a GitLab account and wished to transfer their old anonymous discussions).