Available project release fheroes2 0.9 trying to recreate the game Heroes of Might and Magic II. The project code is written in C ++ and is distributed under the GPLv2 license. To start the game, you need files with game resources, which can be obtained, for example, from the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic II.
Over the past year of development, the game has become much closer to the original, and in some places even offers wider possibilities. Major innovations:
- A lot of optimization work has been done. Thousands of lines of code have been rewritten and now, in addition to hundreds of bugs fixed, the fheroes2 game engine has become much faster on all platforms. Performance has increased by 50% and the game runs much smoother. Although this is far from the full potential of the new rendering engine that the fheroes2 team wrote for this project in a break year.
- The quality of artificial intelligence has been improved. Now players will face a worthy opponent, not an amorphous “regular” of taverns and fountains. In the future, it is planned to continue improving artificial intelligence.
- Proposed a convenient and familiar to users redistribution of the army using the Alt, Ctrl and Shift keys. In the original HoMMII, unit separation was problematic.
- Work continues on improving the game interface. The team has already added the display of the zone of attacking spells working on a specific area, as well as a new spell window “city portal”, which now has a visual list and full, different themes for “good” and “evil” interfaces.
- Over a hundred bugs fixed.

/Media reports.