Linux distribution has been released Solus 4.2 , not based on packages from other distributions and developing its own desktop Budgie , installer, package manager and configurator. The project’s development code is distributed under the GPLv2 license, C and Vala languages are used for development. In addition, assemblies with the GNOME, KDE Plasma and MATE desktops are provided. Size iso images 1.8-2.1 GB (x86_64).
The distribution follows a hybrid development model, in accordance with which significant releases are periodically released , which offer new technologies and significant improvements, and in between significant releases, the distribution develops using a rolling package update model.
The package manager is used to manage packages eopkg (fork PiSi from Pardus Linux), which provides familiar tools for installing / removing packages, searching a repository, and managing repositories. Packages can be categorized into thematic components, which in turn form categories and subcategories. For example, Firefox is categorized as a component called network.web.browser, which falls under the network applications category and the Web applications subcategory. More than 2000 packages are offered for installation from the repository.
The Budgie desktop is based on GNOME technologies, but uses native implementations of the GNOME Shell, panel, applets, and notification system. To manage windows, Budgie uses the Budgie Window Manager (BWM), which is an advanced modification of the base Mutter plugin. Budgie is based on a panel that is similar in organization of work to the classic desktop panels. All panel elements are applets, which allows you to flexibly customize the composition, change the placement and replace the implementation of the main panel elements to your taste.
Available applets include the classic application menu, task switching system, an area with a list of open windows, viewing virtual desktops, a power management indicator, a volume control applet, a system status indicator and a clock. To play music in editions with the Budgie, GNOME and MATE desktops, the Rhythmbox player is proposed with the extension Alternate Toolbar , which offers an interface with a compact panel implemented using client-side window decoration (CSD). GNOME MPV is supplied for video playback in Budgie and GNOME editions, and VLC is supplied in MATE. Elisa is available for KDE music playback and SMPlayer for video.