A team of scientists from the Netherlands and Belgium have named a vitamin, a deficiency of which can lead to sudden death of patients with COVID-19. Izvestia writes about this.
Experts have warned that a lack of vitamin K can lead to severe coronavirus and sudden death. Due to its lack, the vessel walls become vulnerable to damage, and the risk of thrombosis increases.
Scientists have found that the vitamin is essential for lung health and the regulation of blood clotting. In their opinion, it activates protein S, which is synthesized in endothelial cells and plays an important role in the prevention of thrombosis.
In addition, the activity of the MGP protein depends on it, which protects elastic fibers from destruction. Protein can inhibit the growth of calcium crystals in soft tissues.
As stated by the head of the Department of Pharmacology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov professor Oleg Medvedev, to prevent vitamin K deficiency, it is necessary to eat green vegetables with olive oil. In addition, K2 is found in animal products, such as fatty cheeses, milk and butter.
Earlier, a group of scientists from leading universities in Ireland proposed including vitamin D in the list of effective remedies for the prevention of coronavirus. According to them, daily intake of vitamin D can significantly reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus, protect from severe disease, as well as death.