A sudden check of combat readiness of army began in Belarus

In Belarus, on Monday, January 25, a sudden comprehensive check of the army’s combat and mobilization readiness began. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

“The actions of the troops will take place at almost all training grounds of the Armed Forces and individual sections of the terrain. Taking into account the specifics of the tasks performed, the troops will have to act in various conditions – to overcome water obstacles, to practice combat training tasks day and night, both in forests and in settlements “, – explained in the military department.

They promise to pay close attention to the state of equipment and weapons.

“It is planned to complete this check by conducting control exercises and tactical exercises with live firing of various levels,” the Belarusian Defense Ministry noted.

Earlier, President Alexander Lukashenko said that “escalating the situation” is taking place on the western borders of Belarus. He urged not to “calm down”, no matter how the US and NATO “lull” us.

Lukashenko also argued that a group is being created in the North Atlantic Alliance to seize the west of Belarus.

Mass protests have been going on in Belarus for five and a half months, demanding the resignation of Lukashenka and the holding of new presidential elections. The head of state has repeatedly stated that the West is behind what is happening.

/Media reports.