Revelation about level of support by Republicans of court to impeach Trump

More and more Republicans oppose the impeachment trial of former US President Donald Trump. The Associated Press learned about it.

To pass a resolution on the impeachment of the former American leader, the votes of two-thirds of the members of the upper house of Congress are required, that is, 67 senators out of 100. For this, 17 senators of the same party must vote against Trump. However, according to the agency, the number of impeachment supporters among Republican senators is currently significantly lower.

On January 14, the House of Representatives of the US Congress voted to impeach Trump in connection with the recent riots in Washington. The debate lasted over seven hours. 232 legislators voted in favor of impeachment due to incitement to insurrection, against 197. This vote was the second attempt to remove Trump from office.

Democrats motivate the decision to impeach Trump, including the fact that after the end of the process, he will not be able to run for president. The practice of removing a state leader from office after the end of his term of office is being used for the first time in the United States. It was reported that the process of impeachment of former US President Donald Trump in the US Senate will begin on February 8.

/Media reports.