Thousands of military urged to leave in Washington due to threats to members of Congress

US law enforcement agencies have called for the National Guard to remain in Washington due to threats that are being received by members of Congress. The Associated Press reports, citing sources.

Additional units of the National Guard want to leave, including for the time when the impeachment process against Donald Trump should begin – on February 8. According to an AP source, members of Congress are receiving threats: they are allegedly being attacked on their way to work.

Despite the fact that the inauguration of US President Joe Biden on January 20 passed without problems, law enforcement agencies see new threats. Basically, they allegedly come from chat participants who discuss possible attacks on social networks.

On January 23, it was reported that five thousand National Guard soldiers would be left in Washington due to the danger of riots. The military is tasked with providing security, communications, medical evacuation, as well as “security logistic support.”

On January 7, the US Congress approved the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election. This was preceded by riots and the storming of the Capitol by supporters of Republican Donald Trump, during which five people died.

/Media reports.