Russia proposed to complicate import of goods from abroad for personal purposes

The duty-free threshold for the import of goods for personal purposes into the EAEU can be reduced to 50 euros and ten kilograms in case of re-entry within a month. The proposal to complicate the purchase of goods abroad belongs to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, a draft decision of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) has been published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

For travel once a month, the cost of duty-free import from July 1, 2021 must not exceed the amount equivalent to 500 euros, and the weight of the cargo must be less than or equal to 25 kilograms.

Last year, Russians changed the rules for buying goods abroad in online stores. The price threshold for duty-free import decreased by 2.5 times, to 200 euros per parcel.

Delays in deliveries have resulted from these changes. Customs officers did not have time to check all the goods, as the number of checks increased several times.

/Media reports.