MEP who invented “antiquated water” was fired for homophobia

Lithuanian MEP Viktor Uspaskikh, who had previously proposed “antiquated water” for the treatment of COVID-19, was fired due to homophobic statements. This is reported by his faction on the official website.

The statement says that it was decided to deprive the Uspaskikhs of membership in the Renew Europe faction during a vote on Wednesday, January 20. Prior to this, the faction held disciplinary proceedings.

“There is no place for homophobia in the Renew Europe family,” said the head of the faction, Dachan Ciolosh. He stressed that the MEP’s statements about LGBT people are completely incompatible with the faction’s values.

In early January, Uspaskikh reported on the social network Facebook that he and his team received the energy code of the COVID-19 virus from the Chinese and developed a program to destroy it. This water builds cellular immunity and prepares the body to fight COVID-19, he said. Since there is no evidence of the medicinal properties of this water, the politician was criticized by many colleagues, as well as public figures of culture.

/Media reports.