95 Energomash engines successfully operated in 2020

Engines developed by the Scientific and Production Association “Energomash” named after academician V.P. Glushko (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) in 2020 successfully completed 24 launches out of 114 (21.05%) in the world. These include 100% of launches in Russia (13 launches of Soyuz-2 missiles, one Proton-M and one Angara-A5 each), as well as five launches of Atlas 5 launch vehicles and two Antares launches in the USA , as well as two launches of Soyuz ST-A rockets from the Guiana Space Center.

In total, 95 liquid-propellant rocket engines developed by NPO Energomash were used in launches in 2020: 75 – RD-107A / 108A, 6 – RD-276, 5 – RD-191, 5 – RD-180 and 4-RD-181.

RD-107A / 108A engines were developed by NPO Energomash and are serially produced at PJSC Kuznetsov (Samara) under the control of the Privolzhsky branch of NPO Energomash. The RD-276 rocket engines were developed on the basis of the RD-253 developed by NPO Energomash and were mass-produced at the Proton-PM company (Perm, part of the NPO Energomash integrated structure of the Roscosmos State Corporation) under the control of the Kama branch of NPO Energomash. Engines RD-180, RD-191 and RD-181 are designed and manufactured at NPO Energomash (Khimki).

/Media reports.